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SAARC Journalist Forum nominated all Leaders of Country Chapters


President of SJF Raju Lama had informed that executive committee will soon nominate some of the senior journalists of SAARC region as an executive and board members of SAARC Journalist Forum.

Kathmandu. SAARC Journalist Forum SJF had nominated all presidents and coordinators of country chapters. Executive Committee of SJF had decided to give a responsibility of all country chapters.

SJF India and Afghanistan chapters were already completed it’s committee and other chapters will be fulfilled soon by respective coordinators doing consultation with the members of executive committee.

Sudhansu Anirudha and Gul Mohammed Graan were already elected as presidents of SJF India and Afghanistan chapters. Abul Kalam Azad, Azmee Ali and Prakash Silwal were nominated as coordinators of Bangladesh, Maldives and Nepal chapters.

Likewise, Namgay Zam and Lasantha De Silva were nominated as a coordinators of Bhutan and Srilanka.

Executive Committee had given the responsibility to all executive members as a Incharge of  SJF country chapters.

Vice President Ramnath Vidrohi as a Incharge of India Chapter, Secretary Khalil Omaid, Treasurur Sagheer Qamar and Senior Member Rinzin Wangchuk as Incharge of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bhutan.

Amila Balasooriya amd Ismail Shahu as a Incharge of Srilanka and Maldives chapters. President Raju Lama and General Secretary Md Abdur Rahman will look for all organisation.

Likewise Dr. Samrender Pathak has been nominated as a Executive Chairman of SJF India Chapter and Abul Kalam Azad as a charge of SJF Bangladesh chapter.

President of SJF Raju Lama had informed that executive committee will soon nominate some of the senior journalists of SAARC region as an executive and board members of SAARC Journalist Forum.

SAARC Journalist Forum SJF is one of the largest and historical journalist organisation of SAARC region which raises voice of rights of journalists and fights for press and expression freedom.

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